Crashing Sucks!

Crashing Sucks Biker PatchIf there's one thing all motorcycle riders can agree on, it's that crashing sucks!  There's nothing worse than that one moment where you know things have just taken a turn for the worse.  It's like time stops and you can feel yourself and your bike about to go horizontal.  No matter how much you wish otherwise, you know that moment is about to be over and you're going to be hitting the pavement hard.

Of course, there are different levels of crashing.  Laying your bike over and sliding on the pavement can certainly hurt, but if you're wearing your durable leather riding gear and helmet, you may come out of it okay.  However, if you end up going over the top of your motorcycle or being hit, it can be a lot worse.  You may even break bones and end up in the hospital.  That type of crashing certainly sucks a lot more.

If you've crashed before, you might want to try to forget it ever happened.  You repaint your bike to hide the scratches and get back on it like nothing's changed.  Other people have a hard time riding again, especially if it was a bad crash.  Others decide to commemorate their crashes with something like a Crashing Sucks Biker Patch.  Even though other bikers certainly know that it does, it never hurts to remind them by stating the obvious.  Some people may even get a good laugh out of it, especially if they've had their own crash recently.

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