Declare Your Faith With a Patch on the Back

When you think of bikers on Harleys, I bet the first thing that comes to your mind isn't that these are church-going people. But what if you saw a biker with a Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour patch on the back of his vest? The Cheap Place carries this patch, as well as a dozen others, in its Christian Patches section.

Personally, I think this is way cool. For too long Christianity has been confined to this tiny little box of pious, self-righteous people who huddle inside the church on Sunday mornings. But nothing could be further from the truth. The man on whom the Christian faith is built did not confine himself to weekly synagogue. He was a carpenter, he lived a real life among the rest of society, he traveled, he spent time with family and friends, he was a real person just like you and me. Modern Christians are out there in every area of life living, working, and trying to raise their families. Some of them are also bikers.

I say, if you're a Christian biker don't be afraid to express your faith. Everyone else expresses their "thing"; whether it be drugs, booze, women, etc. You have no reason to be ashamed of what's important to you. So cover your vest or jacket with Christian patches so that everyone knows where you stand. People will be offended, that's normal; just don't allow someone's personal offense to silence you.

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