We haven't talked about the Christian Patches at The Cheap Place in a while, so I thought today we'd go back and visit that section. I've chosen the Jesus Inside patch as the topic for today's blog for a variety of reasons. But first, let me say that I am a Christian believer. Don't take this post as some sort of Christian-bashing hit piece. That said, on with the post.
While I do find the patch attractive, the fact that it resembles the old "Intel Inside" logo is kind of hokey. And I say that only because I've always thought Intel's logo was hokey. I'm thankful that the designer chose different colors; so that's one positive aspect.
Secondly, I don't want to start a firestorm, but the statement "Jesus inside" is technically incorrect. According to the Bible, Jesus now resides in heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father. He doesn't live inside me or any other believer. Rather, it's the Holy Spirit that has taken up residence in our hearts.
Those two things aside, I get the point of this patch and gladly support anyone who chooses to wear it. I think it would be ideal on a T-shirt or hat, especially if you're involved in an evangelistic ministry. It would also look pretty cool on your tool bag if you happen to be a PC repair technician. There are lots of creative ways to use this patch as a means of getting the Good News out. So go for it!