Do You Hate Stupid People?

I'm a People Person I'm Just Not a Stupid People Person patchHave you ever met a person who is what you'd call a 'people person'?  They just have a natural knack with people.  They meet someone and almost always instantly get along with them.  They just seem to be able to be friends with everyone they meet.  But some people are definitely not great with other people.  They either don't enjoy being around people or they just don't seem to be able to get along with them.

Then there's the third type of people: someone who is a people person, but not a stupid people person!  That describes most people, actually.  Most people really dislike dealing with stupid idiots, especially when they can't avoid it.  It seems like there's always a stupid person at work or in your family who just won't go away.  They do and say things that are so dumb you just want to smack them, but you know you can't.

So what do you do about it?  Well, you can do your best to avoid them, of course.  You can also try to always be with someone else.  That way, even if you do have to deal with their stupidity, at least there's someone there to help you escape or share in your pain.  You can also wear some fun biker patches that mock stupid people in the hopes that maybe they will get the message.  One great patch is the I'm a People Person I'm Just Not a Stupid People Person patch.  Try it and see if the stupid people in your life take the hint!

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