Do You Love Your Bike?

I Love My Bike PatchMany motorcycle riders like their bikes and enjoy riding them, but how many really love their bikes?  The truth is that many bikers do, and they would not give up their motorcycles for anything.  They ride their bikes everywhere, even during the extreme heat and cold, and they love it.  So how can you tell if you like riding your motorcycle or if you are really in love with it?  Here are some questions you can ask yourself.

Do you want to ride your motorcycle everywhere?  Some people put the bike in the garage once the weather starts looking bad, but real bike lovers keep riding anyway.  They also do not really think about trading in their motorcycle for any other vehicle.

Do you keep thinking of ways to improve your bike?  New paint jobs, new accessories, new mods to the engine?  Many bikers always want to keep evolving their motorcycle.  If you're not mechanically inclined, maybe you keep a list of new motorcycles you'd love to buy if you ever had a lot of disposable income.

Do you accumulate motorcycle collectibles and other items?  You can tell if you really love riding if you have a lot of motorcycle related t-shirts, caps, and other items.  Is your jacket covered in motorcycle patches?  That's a good indication, especially if you have more patches than you can fit on your jacket.  Another good way to tell if you're completely head over heels for your bike is if you have this I Love My Bike Patch on any of your items!

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