Do You Suffer from CRS?

Suffering From CRS Can't Remember Shit PatchMany people suffer from CRS.  It's a pretty common disease, especially if you're older.  But what is CRS?  It stands for Can't Remember Shit!  It's what you can blame whenever you forget to pick up something from the store or have completely forgotten someone's birthday or other important date.  If you often do this, there's even a motorcycle patch for you.  The Suffering From CRS Can't Remember Shit Patch will let others know that your memory isn't what it used to be.  In fact, it might not be much of anything at all!

It's true that the memory does start to fail as we get older, but some people seem to have very serious memory problems way before then.  They just cannot seem to remember what's going on, even if they write themselves notes or have a very detailed planner.  What is it about remembering things that's so difficult?  It's almost as if they really do have some kind of disease preventing them from remembering.

There are a number of things that can cause memory loss.  If you've had a horrible crash and taken a blow to the head, it's possible your memories will be scrambled for a bit, but you should get your full powers of memory back eventually.  Some medications can cause daily memory loss, as can drinking too much or smoking.  Some other medical problems can make it difficult to remember things, too.  Even if you once had the best memory in your group of friends, it's possible for that to change due to illness or other factors.  If it does, just get this patch and claim you've caught CRS!

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