Enjoy low prices on patches and free shipping till year end

Dear loyal customers of The Cheap Place. I started the site back in October of last year and within a few months made my mark on the online world for a cheap place to buy your embroidered patches. I have kept a free shipping policy with my already low prices. You could buy a patch for $2.99 and get it shipped for free. This deal is still ongoing and will continue till the end of 2010.

With rising costs I'm faced with two options. Raising the prices of my patches by a dollar or charge a small shipping fee for orders under $10.

When I sell a patch for $2.99 including free shipping to go along with it here is what happens. 44 cents goes to putting a stamp on the envelope. 35 cents goes to paypal and credit card commissions. Lets say another 5 cents for the envelope, printing of invoice (ink and paper). These are inevitable costs to fulfill an order. Not to mention the cost of the product which I manage to keep low as I buy in very large quantities.

I'm not even mentioning the overhead of monthly website hosting dues, security scanning fees, seo charges, content writing charges, customization fees. Overall I have to admit the overhead on each order is about $3. This is calculated by the number of orders I get a month and how much money I've spent to keep the site running (does not even include the cost of merchandize).

Free shipping is still going to be available at The Cheap Place. However, beginning of new year I'm going to have to impose a small shipping fee for all orders under $10. This fee will vary depending on whether USPS decides to raise their prices.

So please take advantage of free shipping on all size orders until the end of 2010. Most important of all ride safe!

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