Everyone Wants to be Retired

Retired Rocker patchWhen we're young, starting a career can seem very exciting.  You're in the prime of your life, you're full of great ideas, and you want to get out there and make your mark on the world.  But that opinion, at least for most people, changes as the years go by.  Instead of making a mark on the world, the world tends to make a mark on you.  After years and years of work, you probably come to the same conclusion many people do: you just want to retire and spend all day napping and riding your motorcycle.

Not everyone has that same feeling, of course.  Some people actually enjoy their jobs and don't know what to do with themselves after they retire.  Fortunately, bikers rarely have this problem.  There's always something they can do with their bikes, even if it's just ride around the block a few times.  As a retiree, you might also spend more time helping your motorcycle club with activities, or you might volunteer with a number of different charitable organizations in your area.  Just because you've already earned the right to wear a Retired Rocker patch on your jacket doesn't mean you have to stop working, of course.  You might want to work part-time fixing up bikes or doing custom paint jobs.  You can even re-sell motorcycle patches online and at rallies.  Once you retire, you'll have all the time in the world to devote to your bike, so the possibilities are endless!

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