Follow this Patches Advice and Give Them Your Bullets

When they come for your guns give them your bullets patchIt seems like everyone wants to take away your guns these days.  The government is working on ways of restricting different types of weapons.  Dealers don't want the responsibility of following all of these new rules, so some of them are getting out of the business.  Gun shows are under attack and may have to either start following new laws or stop being held completely.  A lot of people expect the government to show up on their doorstep and demand their guns.  When they do, show them your When They Come For Your Gun Give Them Your Bullets Patch.

Obviously, this patch doesn't mean you should calmly hand over your boxes of bullets.  Instead, load up your guns and give them your bullets by firing them off!  While it doesn't come right out and advocate violence, you know that's the thought behind this message.  But the right to own weapons is laid out in the Bill of Rights, and no one, government or otherwise, should be at your door trying to take your weapons away.  Soldiers fought and died to make sure this right has been protected through the years, and we can't let their sacrifice go to waste.

This political patch certainly makes a statement.  It measures four inches long by one inch tall, which means you can put it in many different places.  You can iron or sew it on to the side of the sleeve of your jacket.  You can put it on a cap.  You can even attach it to a canvas belt since it's not very large.  No matter where you put it, this patch is an amazing way of letting people know you love your guns.

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