Give Respect to Get Respect

Give Respect Get Respect patchMany bikers out there live by a certain philosophy.  Some just want to be left alone to ride whenever they want, while others have a code of brotherhood.  Both often live by the idea that you have to give respect to get respect.  This means that respect isn't something that you can automatically expect to get if you act in a disrespectful way.  It has to be earned, and the main way of earning it is to show it to others.  If you give respect to people, even if you don't know them, they will give it back to you.

Some people think that they deserve respect simply for being who they are.  The rich or those who hold positions of power often have this attitude.  They think that wealth, a job, or other possessions entitle them to respect no matter how they act.  But this isn't always true.  Yes, you may need to show respect to your boss when you're speaking to him, but a boss who hasn't truly earned that respect will be ridiculed behind his back and won't get the best work from his employees.  On the other hand, one who gives respect to everyone and works hard to earn it will not only be well liked but will also have employees willing to go the extra mile.

If you want to share this philosophy, you might want to wear a Give Respect Get Respect patch.  It's a small patch that can go a long way towards reminding people about this simple life rule.

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