If you want a few biker patches that intimidate anyone who's bothering you, you may want one of these great DILLIGAF Patches. Some of them just feature the acronym, but then there's this Small Dilligaf Bear Patch. This bear is not going to take your crap, and he shows it. That scowl, those squinty eyes, and the crossed arms all add up to one animal who just doesn't give a fuck.
Dilligaf, if you don't know, stands for Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck. It's a popular saying among bikers, although it is also used by other groups. You might also see it online, especially when people start flaming each other. I really like how the bear has so many little details on him. The goatee, the tattoo of a skull, and the fingerless gloves are all great touches. His bright red bandana and goggles finish off his tough biker look.
The Small Dilligaf Patch was designed by Arturo Vilmenay, an artist who has created a number of amazing patches. Unlike some shops, The Cheap Place pays Vilmenay royalties for every patch sold. If you want to support this amazing artist, just buy a few patches he's designed.
In addition to the small patch, which measures 3.75 by 4 inches, a larger version of this bear is also available. It's large enough to cover the entire back of a jacket, while this patch is more suited for an arm or the front of your vest.