I Am Who I Am

I am who I am Patch Click Here

I am who I am, this statement is very powerful, and those who utter it are often very aware of who they are and what they want in life.  Some people follow it up with 'your approval is not needed'. This further makes it clear that they know exactly who they are and what they want.  This saying is so powerful that thecheapplace even offers a patch featuring it.  Many bikers and other people who want to stress that they don't need anyone's approval to be who they are love to wear it on their jackets or on their vests.

Some people feel as if they have a right to tell others who they are.  They will make it known that they disapprove of other people's actions or choices because its simply 'not who they are'.  Parents often say this a lot about their children when they make choices the parent doesn't think is right.  That's not how they raised their child, the parent says, and that's simply not who they are.  But no one, not even grown children, need another person's approval to be who they are.

'I am who I am'.  Don't be afraid to say this to anyone who questions your decisions or thinks you should be somehow different than you are.  It doesn't matter who the person is, you don't need their approval, so why let them think that you do?  Wearing a patch with this statement on it can be a way of reminding yourself and everyone else that you don't need anyone's approve to be yourself.

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