I Do What I Want!

I Do What I Want patchWhat's your motorcycle motto?  For some bikers, it's simple: I do what I want!  These bikers don't really want to listen to anyone else when it comes to riding.  That's why many of them are considered lone wolf riders, they don't want to deal with any biker club or with ride leaders telling them where to go.  So instead, they ride by themselves when they want, whenever they want, and no one gets to tell them what to do.  Since this attitude doesn't really work well in groups, they go it alone or with friends who are like-minded and may go off on their own at any moment.

There is a limit to doing what you want, of course.  No matter how free you want to live, you do have to obey the law.  This should include speed limits, although some bikers take those as more suggestions than actual rules.  The excuse that you do what you want will not get you very far with a police officer!

Unfortunately, this motto also doesn't work well for those who have responsibilities. Try explaining to your spouse that you should get to do what you want when the bills are due and you want to buy a new bike.  Or tell your children you do what you want when they're crying.

Overall, though, as long as you make some exceptions, bikers can do what they want.  You can make others aware that this is your motto by wearing an I Do What I Want patch on your jacket.

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