If You're Awesome, Wear this Patch!

Awesome PatchThere are many really cool patches out there, but some of them can only be described as awesome.  For example, this Awesome Patch is certainly awesome!  There are many different types of text patches that someone can wear to describe themselves, of course, but few of them are as interesting as this patch.  That's because it uses a font that is very different from other patches.  It looks more like handwriting than some of the other blocky fonts that patches use.  It's still very readable, though, so that's certainly not a problem.  The background is also a bright yellow, so it will stand out from other patches since that is somewhat unusual.

Why would someone want to wear a patch like this?  It doesn't always mean that they are incredibly egotistical and think that they are super awesome all the time.  In fact, it could mean that they just like the word awesome and use it in conversation a lot.  They might find that being a biker is awesome or that their motorcycle club is.  Of course, they might also think that they're incredibly awesome and wear the patch just to make sure everyone knows it.  You never know how egotistical someone is until you get to know them.

This can also be a pretty good patch to give as a gift.  Telling people that they're awesome is a pretty good way of making them smile, so why not do it with a patch?  They're sure to enjoy it.

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