Iraq Vets -Buy Embroidered Patches

I know a guy who served in the U.S. Navy for a three-year tour, then continued in the reserve for another twenty years after that. Needless to say, he's seen a lot of action in his military time. When he finally retired two years ago, he was allowed to keep all of his navy clothing, as well as get jackets for all his family members. It's great to see them proudly wear the black jackets displaying their hero's time in the Navy.

It's rather impressive to see them all pile out of the minivan dressed alike. As each one comes up the sidewalk you can see the various military patches on each jacket. Some of them differ, depending on what my friend decided for each family member, but they all have in common a couple of Iraq Vet patches. My buddy was part of operation Iraqi Freedom, having been aboard a Navy vessel in the Gulf. So all the jackets have that patch on them.

They also all have Gulf War Vet and Desert Storm Vet patches because he was a part if those operations as well. Now, whenever they go out together, or individually, the kids have the chance to speak proudly of their Dad, and his wife gets to boast on her husband. It's a wonderful thing. What's most amazing though is that the kids are all older; 21, 19, and 16 respectively. Yet at a time when most young adults are rebelling against their fathers, these three couldn't be more proud.

The is THE place to get patches for Iraq vets. They custom make all their patches and ship them to you free of charge. Their red, white, and green Operation Iraqi Freedom patch is one of my personal favorites. I just think the color combination is excellent, not to mention that the design itself is pretty sleek. It features three green stars and some Arabic writing. Pretty cool. I don't think my buddy has one of these. But I tell you what, it would look awesome against the black background of his Navy jacket.

There's also a white and brown Marine Gulf War Patch in a 3x3 circle. It doesn't stand out with bright colors and a catchy saying, but it is very dignified and classy. In fact, I think it's one of the more classy offerings carries. If I was a Gulf War veteran I would love to sew this patch on the side of one of my gun holsters. It would catch the eye of anyone walking buy, warning them that I am both armed and a veteran who undoubtedly knows how to use my side arm. But that's just me.

Patches from can be sewn or ironed on anywhere you can find room. They are always appropriate and always eye-catching. With hundreds to choose from there's got to be a patch or two that strikes your fancy. So before you click off to your next site, take a look around.


Added by Erhan on October 05, 2010 I will work on your patch requests. Always looking forward to suggestions from customers. Thank you.
Added by fsthawk on October 03, 2010 I've bought the following from a vendor at the Thunder Beach event this weekend ITEM #s P2553, P2559, P2550 and P2551. Would like to know if there are any plans for a Panama or Just Cause to match so I can complete my Collection and there all of the same design, instead of the haphazard patch work of designs I now have sewn on the vest.
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