Is Being a Bitch a Bad Thing?

You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing patchPeople call others a bitch for a lot of things.  Women are often called bitches for being mean, but sometimes rude men also call them bitches for other reasons.  Sometimes it's just because the woman doesn't agree with them or won't sleep with them.  Women sometimes call each other bitches when they're fighting or when they just don't like each other very much.  There are times when people call each other bitch in jest, and they don't consider it an insult at all.

While it's often used as an insult, there are some women out there who own the title of bitch.  They wear it as a badge of pride.  These tough women don't care if they come off as bitchy to others, that's who they are, and if that makes them a bitch, then so be it.  These are the type of ladies who will wear this You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing patch.  They simply don't consider being a bitch a bad thing at all.

Why?  Because when someone calls a woman a bitch, they're often saying that she's being aggressive and not backing down.  That's what these women want to be known for.  They're not going to do what a man says just because he's a man, and they're going to let everyone know that they have their own opinions.  They're not being bitches, they're being strong, independent women, and that's threatening to some.  That's why they own the title of bitch and are proud to be called one.

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