It's the Week to Get your Back Patches

With Winter almost behind us this week we'll be having our third phase of the preparation sales for the new riding season. I've got almost 200 Large back patches on sale at 20% off till Sunday. This will be the 3rd and final week of our prep sales. After this week we'll be extremely busy trying to get all your orders out the same day as you place them. Off Season is now way behind us. It was a very short winter this year. We made hundreds of new patch designs, took videos of all our patches, opened up an entire new category of patches mainly for younger audiences. Cute animals, hippie designs etc.

But it's now time to go back to our roots. I'll be coming out with lots of new Saying Patches over the next few months. There are lots of hot topics these days, Trump being the epicenter of it all. If you got any ideas send them over, I'll give you some points if I've never heard it anywhere else before. We have to address the Fake News issue. It's getting ridiculous, I've given up on trusting anything I read. With Facebook and Twitter we thought we were going to live in an era where no one could hide from the truth. On the contrary now everyone is fabricating stories just to get you to click. Whose fault is this? Why is it happening? I'll tell you why, it's called "Pay Per Impression Ads". This is websites making money just for displaying an ad on their webpages. You don't have to click it. They get paid just for showing it somewhere on their page. So people are being more creative than ever adding juice to stories when there isn't any. Fabricating bullshit over bullshit. Their biggest weapon is the following phrase "You won't find the corporate Media talking about this". I'll tell you why the mass media isn't talking about it. It's because it's not real, it has no substance, no sources, just tales, whatever sounds more interesting.

I used to believe some of the crap that was put out there, I did my fair share of sharing bullshit stories that I thought were true, but I've had my moment of epiphany. We are now living in the "misinformation era". Let's educate the rest of us that are not bright enough to see this. Let's get some patches made addressing this issue.

Send in your ideas in the comments below. RIDE SAFE and have an awesome week.

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