The Cheap Place has a good selection of patches for the ladies, in the Ladies Patches section. I chose today's patch because I think it's a good one to start your new collection. It's the We Go by My Rules I Got the Pussy patch, a 4" piece that you could easily stick to a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, a tank top, or even your leather jacket or vest. If nothing else, it would certainly help you get some attention.
Just for the record, I like this patch because it speaks the truth so many men are unwilling to admit. Let's face it guys, when it comes down to it we'll do just about anything for a little pussy. The woman who's willing to hold us hostage for it can pretty much dictate the rules of the game. Right or wrong, that's just the reality of life. That said, I personally don't mind so much because my wife is easy to please.
Ladies, let me just warn you that if you stick this patch on the back pocket of your jeans, or the front of a tank top, don't complain about the attention you get - because you're going to get it! On the other hand, if you love the attention it garners there quite a few other patches at The Cheap Place you can add to your collection for even better results. As for me, I'll be looking for you.