The Cheap Place has some hilarious patches in their Funny Patches category, and today, I found one of my favorites. It's the I Like You I'll Kill You Last patch. I just thought this was a funny saying meant to make people laugh. It makes the wearer sound like a psychotic killer or something. It says something like, 'Oh, I'm going to kill everyone, but you' you're OK, so I'll put you at the bottom of the list'.
But then I found out that the line is actually a quote from the movie Commando, a 1985 action movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. He plays John Matrix, a former U.S. Army Colonel who finds himself pitted against mercenaries who have been killing off his former teammates. One of these mercenaries is named Sully, and he and Matrix match wits several times. At one point, Matrix says to him, 'You're a funny guy, Sully. I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last'.
This famous line, which sometimes gets credited to Schwarzenegger's character in the movie True Lies instead of Commando, is what inspired this popular patch. Knowing the history of the patch made me rethink what exactly it's supposed to be saying. If you know the context, you know this patch is actually kind of a compliment. It's telling your enemies that they have challenged you or that you find them amusing, so when you take them all out, you'll let this person live until the end.
This is a very popular patch, and it's made out of lightweight, high quality materials, so it will last for quite some time. Just iron or sew it on, and your enemies will know you're not one to be messed with.