Let's All Just Get Along

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Wouldn't it be great if we could all get along?  It seems as if people around the world are always fighting over something, and more often than not, it involves religion.  There's an old saying about how if you want to avoid fighting with someone, don't ever discuss politics or religion.  Once either of those two topics is brought up, you can expect the arguing to begin.  Everyone has an opinion on them, and those opinions are very rarely the same.

From ruining a date to leading to an international incident (or even a crusade or two, as in the past), religion can be the source of many fights.  If you want to help promote tolerance and coexistence between members of all faiths, putting a coexist bumper sticker on your car or adding coexist vest patches to your clothing can be a great way of showing your support.

These bumper stickers started cropping up four or five years ago.  It has the word 'Coexist' made out of various religious icons.  For example, the letter x is written with the Jewish six pointed star, while the letter t is represented by the Christian cross.  There's also a Wiccan moon, a peace sign, a yin yang symbol, and more.  By putting all of these different symbols together, the symbol is saying that it's possible for them all to exist side by side without anyone's belief system being destroyed.  While that may not always seem possible, isn't it nice to think about an ideal world where it is?

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