Liberty Patches

Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death PatchToday's post takes us to the Military Patches section and the gold-on-black Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death patch. It also lends itself well to a good pop quiz for all of you history buffs. This patch is a combination of two pretty significant things from our Revolutionary war era; they were pretty well-known among American citizens until the school system started dumbing our kids down. Do you know with the two things are?

While you're thinking about, let me just say the color combination of this patch makes it one of the best I've seen against a black leather jacket. It would also go pretty good on a pair of chaps - somewhere about mid file level. If you don't have black leather, brown would do; or you could iron it to a t-shirt, pair of jeans, or backpack. Or how about mounted to a black beret? That would be the bomb, for sure. But now, it's time for the answers to the quiz.

The first thing is the figure of the coiled snake. That comes from the Gadsden flag that was used by the Continental Marines in the early days of the war. Some wanted to adopt the "don't tread on me" design as our national flag, but the Stars and Stripes were chosen instead. The other significant portion is the quote, which comes from none other than Patrick Henry, the immortal American patriot prepared to defend his country with his life. So now you know.

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