Many bikers want to find a specific patch that looks perfect on their jacket or other gear, but they just can't find exactly what they want. They look through dozens of online stores and go to stores and biker rallies, but even when they find something close, it's just not quite what they're looking for. What's the solution? They can either buy a patch that's not what they're really looking for or they can make their own. Fortunately, that's actually pretty easy to do: The Cheap Place sells a number of different blank patches, including a gray 10 inch round blank patch that's large enough for a really awesome design.
This patch is circular and measures ten inches across. That means it will take up most of the back of a jacket or vest. How do you make your design on it? Well, you do need to know how to embroider. These patches can be hand embroidered or embroidered on a computerized sewing machine. You don't have to know how to do a lot of fancy stitching ? just a basic one is good enough. Simply come up with a design (it's probably a good idea to draw it out first) and then embroider it onto the patch.
Note that you do have to sew these blank patches onto your clothing. There's no iron-on backing like you'll find on many patches. That's because it would be a lot more difficult to embroider the patch if you had to sew through the plastic backing.