Meat is Tasty Murder

Meat is Murder patchWhile most bikers probably do not agree, some people out there firmly believe that eating any kind of meat is tantamount to murder.  They believe this for various reasons, but the bottom line is that they all think that killing animals for food is simply wrong.  Some might be a little lax when it comes to birds and fish, but most people with this mentality believe that killing any animal, cow, pig, chicken, fish, whatever, is wrong.  They are hardcore vegetarians or vegans, and many of them go out of their way to lecture people on why eating meat is so very wrong.

If meat is murder and so wrong, why is it so very tasty?  Even more important, why does the human body need it?  Even the best vegetarian or vegan does need to be very careful that they get enough protein, and many have to take vitamins and other supplements just to make certain that their bodies are getting everything they need to function properly.  Still, many people fight to have everyone abstain from eating meat.  For some, it's religious.  The Hindu, for example, have religious tenets against eating cows.  Others believe that eating meat is actually unhealthy!  They, for whatever reason, believe that humans are meant to be vegetarians despite the fact that history and biology tell us otherwise.  Then there are a few people who simply don't like the taste of meat or who think animals are cute and should not be killed for food.

Want to antagonize these people, or just show that you really like meat?  Wear a Meat is Murder patch!  It's sure to make vegetarians everywhere angry!

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