My Favorite PETA Patch

My Favorite PETA PatchI'm about to say something politically incorrect. You've been warned - so don't get your shorts in a bind. Anyway, here it is:

I love cats... dead ones!

Now I know all of you PETA people are probably having a heart attack right now, but calm down. If you look in the Funny Patches section at The Cheap Place, they have a perfect patch just for you. It's called the Proud Member of PETA patch, and you can sew conspicuously on the breast of your favorite jacket. It even works well on ball cap; or even that backpack you take with you on your animal-saving adventures. Just do yourself a favor and ignore the tag line. It'll probably make you very unhappy.

Now that I've raised your curiosity I'm happy tell you the tag line reads, "people eating tasty animals." I absolutely love this! I'm not the kind of guy who goes out of his way to tweak people I disagree with, but sometimes the animal-rights crowd goes a little bit too far. It's during those times when I would proudly wear this PETA patch just to show my distaste for those who love animals more than people. I did something similar with a t-shirt that had the dead cats idea I opened this blog with. After a rousing couple of hours tweaking the animal rights crowd, I returned home to a nice, juicy steak on the grill. It doesn't get much better than that. Trust me.

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