Never Forget 9-11

9-11-01 We Will Not Forget patchThe date of September 11, 2001, will forever be known as the date of one of the worst terrorist attacks in the history of the United States.  It was on this day that the Al Queda terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.  The tragedy of this date has affected more than just those in the attack, the family members of those who died, the first responders, and those who were personally involved.  It affected the nation and, to some extent, the world.

No one in the U.S. will ever forget 9-11.  Every year on the date there are memorial services held around the country.  A memorial was also constructed at the World Trade Center site to honor those who lost their lives in the tragedy.  Even though the event happened over 10 years ago, the loss of their loved ones is still clearly felt by every family member and friend.  To honor those who lost their lives, both the victims and the rescue personnel, many bikers wear patches like the 9-11-01 We Will Not Forget patch.

While we will always remember the tragic events of 9-11 and honor those who lost their lives, we also still see the repercussions of the event in other ways.  The way people board flights, for example, will never be the same due to the many different screening processes that now take place.  New laws like the Patriot Act were passed, changing the way the government can respond to potential terrorists.  Still, even though the world has changed, people still remember that the terrorists were ultimately defeated.

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