Nobody Asked You!

Nobody Asked You patchEver had one of those moments where someone piped up and 'added' something to a conversation that they weren't included in?  Some rude people do this all the time.  Their addition to your conversation wasn't really welcome, especially if they're obnoxious about it.  In cases like this, there are a number of different acceptable responses.  Those who don't want to cause a scene will usually just ignore the person or simply acknowledge that they said something without really commenting on it.  Others, though, might say something that indicates the person needs to butt out.

Then there are those, especially those bikers, who will make sure that the person's comments are very unwelcome.  One way of making this known is to say, 'Nobody asked you!'.  It makes it very clear that their comment was not welcome.  This is also a useful phrase when you want to let someone know that you just don't want to hear their opinion, even if it is relevant.  'Nobody asked you' is a great response to a sarcastic remark or a joke at your expense, too.

If you're looking for a fun saying patch to add to your jacket, the Nobody Asked You patch is available.  It's a funny patch that many people will get a laugh from.  It's also a good way of making sure people know that their unwanted and un-asked for comments and advice isn't wanted.  It might help keep these jerks away, but since they usually can't take a hint in the first place, it will probably just serve to amuse your friends.

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