Nobody Knows?Until they Read this Patch

nobody knows I'm a lesbian patchThe Nobody Knows I'm a Lesbian patch offered at The Cheap Place is one of my absolute favorites!  It's listed in their Funny Patches category, so it's obviously meant as a joke.  However, if you're a lesbian, you could always wear it like a nametag.  In fact, some lesbians might want this type of identification, especially if they're trying to find a girlfriend and don't fit with most people's idea of what a lesbian is (i.e., they don't have a butch haircut, don't have a lot of power tools, and sometimes wear makeup and fancy dresses).  Really butch or outspoken lesbians who don't mind poking a little fun at themselves might like it, too.

But men could wear this as a joke, too.  I mean, a lesbian likes girls, right?  So if you're a straight guy out looking to pick up chicks, maybe something like this could break the ice.  If nothing else, you're sure to get a few laughs.  Who knows, maybe you'll even make a few lesbian friends.

I once gave this patch as a gag gift to one of my lesbian friends, and she found it hilarious.  In fact, she even put it on her camo jacket, which seemed like the perfect piece of clothing to put it on.  It features the same heat-activated adhesive that all the Cheap Place's patches have, so it's really easy to attach.  You can also sew it on if you're putting it on something made from leather.  The patch is pretty plain, it's just a black square with white lettering.  However, with the work 'lesbian' on it, you know people will stop and read it a few times, especially if you're a hot woman.

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