Number 13 - Variety of faces

number 13 patchThe number 13 have several meanings and myths! Most of us think this is just a number comes after 12 and before 14.

The number Thirteen (13) takes different forms. Some people think it is a number, some considered it as a luckiest number some it as unlucky.

There is an interesting phrase "The phrase 'July the Fourth' contains 13 letters and the number 4 (1+3), the birth number of the U.S". Some consider the number "13" is a number of great blessings given by God.

Some people considered that 13 as a evil number, also they taught Friday the as a 13 unluckiest day of the month.

However, The number 13 is always good in the biker continent. Let's enjoy our day. Get one patch which contains a number 13 for your biker clothes.  Shop our store now for more biker patches and funny sayings patches.

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