
P1552-Obama-the-American-Nightmare-patch__36472-450x3201) A bill being passed that will force every working responsible person to pay taxes out of their income to support medicare of everybody in a nation, legal or otherwise. Unemployed and homeless will also benefit from this.

A. Named after President Barack Obama.

B. A very socialist failed concept in practice. (British/Canada healthcare)

2) A socialist concept being forced upon Americans and goes against the very fabrics of the American Constitution.

3) A government funded healthcare system that runs off of working Americans taxes. Everyone is treated as equal, no priorities are set as to who needs more attention (Ex. A man who has lost his arm must wait in line behind someone with the flu.) Supporters say this won't happen because we're "America," which is a asinine argument.

4) The end of America.

Do you tend to agree? We sell this Obama the American Nightmare patch here at TheCheapPlace. Wear it proud.


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