Out of Estrogen and I have a gun patch

Out of Estrogen and I have a gun patchPMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, but it can even occur during or after menstruation. Symptoms of PMS include abdominal cramps, bloating, irritability, breast tenderness, occasional cravings for sweet or very salty foods, and hormonal imbalances that cause mood swings.

Since males don't have periods, they act like insensitive jackasses when the women around them are suffering from PMS. Those stuck-up dickless monkeys can't get any ass, so they call their girlfriends bitches and blow everything out of proportion. Sure, sometimes PMS can cause a girl to get a little bitchy, but those douchebags act like a PMSing woman is a nuclear bomb that's been unleashed on the city. All they think about is themselves, they don't even give a crap when their girl is crying out in pain because the girl is just "being a dramatic bitch".

A guy will accuse a girl of PMSing even if she gets mad at him for something that's his own fault, such as being a complete dickhole.

Get this super funny I'm out of Estrogen and I have a gun ladies patch. Also, be sure to check out our other ladies patches.

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