Parents Know How Scary Daughters Can Be

You Can't Scare Me, I've Got Daughters patchParents love their daughters.  There's nothing like seeing her tiny little face when she's a baby, watching her run around as she gets older, and then taking pride in the young woman she has become.  But there's also something every parent knows about their daughter: she can be really scary!  Not all daughters are scary in the same way, of course.  Some cause their parents to be worried about their safety all the time.  They might be accident-prone or enjoy doing things that are fairly risking.

Others, though, are scary because they frighten their parents to death on a regular basis!  These are the Goth girls who like to wear all black and talk about how they want to be vampires.  They're weird, and many parents doing quite understand them.  Some of the things they do and say may make some parents really wonder about them.  Of course, most of these daughters aren't going to actually join a cult or anything.  Some parents find daughters who are excessively boy-crazy a little on the scary side, too.  They fear for their daughters getting pregnant or coming home with an STD.

If you've survived raising a daughter, then there's not much out there that will scare you.  You've made it through one of the hardest things in life and survived!  You can take on the world, especially if your scary daughter is beside you.  Let everyone know of your parenting accomplishments by wearing a patch such as the You Can't Scare Me, I've Got Daughters patch.  It's sure to get a laugh out of everyone, every your scary daughter.


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