While it's true that a lot of the patches at The Cheap Place are aimed squarely at the biker crowd, that can't be said about all of them. The America's Bravest Fire Dept. Eagle Drop Wings patch is but one example. You might want to go to the Firemen's Patches section and see for yourself. If you're a firefighter, or a family member of one, this patch is a great way for you to display your pride in the firefighting brotherhood.
I've seen television programs showing people jumping from very high heights, to their deaths, to get out of a burning building. Why? Mental health experts say that fire does strange things to the human mind. The panic reflex is so strong that people do things that are not reasonable.
But firefighters must defy those natural instincts of panic and walk into a burning building while everyone else is trying to get out. In doing so they risk their lives on every call to ensure the safety of others. I'm not a firefighter myself, but I have personally known several and I can tell you, it's not an easy job. These brave men and women must face a fear that most of us could not endure. And they do it for us.
The America's Bravest patch deserves a place on the back of your jacket if you're a firefighter or family member. The rest of us owe you a firm handshake and a sincere thank you.