Browsing through the Police Patches at The Cheap Place, I was curious about how most of these patches could be used. It looks as though some of them would be eligible for use on a standard uniform while others, like the Police Shield patch, might be something that you would put on a personal vest or jacket. This particular shield patch comes in two sizes: 8" x 9.5" or 5.5" x 7". It can easily be sewn on or ironed on to any fabric.
What made me curious was the fact that this is shield patch not only features the standard "Protect & Serve" motto of police agencies, but also a motorcycle. I would assume no police department would allow this patch on an official uniform. Then again, would most of them also prefer that their officers remain anonymous while off duty? If there were no such off-duty policies, it would be a great way to display your personal pride in being a police officer; especially if you're a biker too.
The other patches that made me curious were more generic in nature, including a couple in that category designed for security guards. So what I'm wondering is that if these generic patches are useful for official uniforms, could police departments purchase their patches from The Cheap Place? Perhaps they leave that to the manufacturers of the uniforms, I don't know. At the end of the day, I'm very curious with a lot of unanswered questions.