Political Patches -Make a statement

I don't take sides, cannot call myself a Republican or a Democrat. I would rather go with whoever is going to impose less government on the people. Congress is passing laws faster than they can read and comprehend them. Soon smoking will be illegal and who knows in ten years good luck if you can still buy red meat.

I do make a lot of patches, and at times I like to express my thoughts on what I think politically. Most people agree as I see a lot of people buying my patches. They are all embroidered, you can sew them or iron them on. Take a look at what I've got made so far. Surely more will come in time.

Political Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statement

If you can't feed them than don't breed them, don't expect your government to take care of your litter. Sick word and what a sick world it is. Best be a happy camper. And lastly I'm a little sick and tired of the government telling me how to live my life.

Political Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statement

Someone should stand up and legalize freedom. Freedom don't mean what it meant years ago. And it is not free. Used to be paid in blood shed, now they collect money for it. And the supposed big change from Obama. Hey are you listening. I'll keep my freedom, you keep your change Obama.

Political Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statement

Obama the One big ass mistake America made. It's time redeem ourselves and kick this charming lier out of the office. Always wanted to leave a note to my forgetting government that people have died for freedom not for you to make them believe they are free while enslaving them to work to keep their homes. Because we all know what happens when you can't pay your yearly property tax. I thought the whole idea of fighting for freedom came from the fact that we were being taxed to live on our land. No matter how hard they try to fool you, 2nd Amendment shall not be infringed. I'll take a bullet for it if it's necessary. There is only one reason to surrender your gun, that's when you surrender your country to the enemy.

Political Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statementPolitical Patches -Make a statement

Remember you don't choose your government, the corporations do it for you. You just get to pick out of two choices they present you. So Obama, go, get the hell out of the white house, we've had enough gutless fools running great America. And a final word to you all. When you vote conservative, you are voting to conserve things, and not change them liberally. I want the freedom we had in the 50s. The more you put liberals in power, the more they are going to take from you to change things. And not for the better. I say every man for himself and Fuck you uncle Sam (that one is coming soon, wait for it)

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