Prayer Doesn't Require an Internet Connection

prayer the ultimate wireless connection patchThere are a great number of Christian patches on The Cheap Place.  Some of them feature crosses and Bible verses, but some of them have more original sayings.  For example, the Prayer The Ultimate Wireless Connection Patch is a great Christian saying for the online age.  It's great for those who love computers and Jesus.

Prayer is the ultimate form of wireless communication.  You don't need any special equipment or communication device to talk to God, after all.  All you have to do is get on your knees and talk directly to the Lord.  You don't need to connect your computer to a router or dial up any connection.  God doesn't require an instant messenger program, either.

The power of prayer can change the world.  Anyone can do it anywhere.  You don't even have to be on your knees to pray.  Just bow your head, close your eyes, and let it flow.  That's all it takes.  You can pray for anything or for anyone.  It's a private communication between you and your lord, and it has the power to change your entire outlook on life.

This patch measure four inches wide by one and three-fourths inches tall.  The 'Prayer' is done in a light yellow color while the rest of the letters are in white, which gives just a bit of emphasis to it.  You can iron the patch on to almost all types of material using the heat-sensitive adhesive, or you can sew it onto leather.

Remind others of the power of prayer.  It can truly change your life.

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