Respect My Patch

Give Respect Get Respect PatchOne of the things I love about collecting patches is the fact that a lot of them say things that many of us are thinking but would never verbalize. Take for instance the Give Respect Get Respect patch in the IT-Patches section. This is a fundamental philosophy my parents taught me when I was just a kid. Yet, somehow this is lost on many of the modern generation who would just as soon punch you in the gut as give you any respect.

On the one hand it's kind of sad to see so many 20 to 30-year-olds who have no respect; on the other hand it can be kind of humorous. Yet I wonder why it's necessary to even tell somebody that they need to respect other people. Isn't that something that should be part of growing up? Isn't that fundamental to the fabric of American society? It used to be. Unfortunately, more often than not it seems as though that's no longer the case today.

Well, that's my soapbox for today. If you agree, maybe this patch should be part of your collection. It's a simple black and yellow patch that has no intricate design or cool graphics, but the message is of utmost importance. Perhaps if wearing one of these patches on your hat or backpack could get someone's attention and affect change it would be worth the couple of bucks it cost you. And if not, at least you spoke in your mind.

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