Ride Hard or Stay Home

Ride Hard Or Stay Home Biker PatchSome people ride their motorcycles casually or for transportation purposes only.  They don't log very many miles on their bikes, and some do not even ride weekly.  The hardcore, 'true' bikers (as many would call themselves) are out on their motorcycle as often as possible.  It matters not if it's freezing cold or incredibly hot, they love to ride.  One of the mottos of these hardcore bikers is 'ride hard or stay home'.  The idea is that if you're not out there riding every chance you get, then you might as well stay home.  An easy ride that your heart's not really into isn't worth it.

What qualifies as riding hard?  Most people have their own opinion on the subject.  Some say it's just riding as much as you can, while other people say it's riding for long distances or doing a particularly grueling ride in the rain, the cold, or the excessive heat.  Some people would say that riding hard also involves being active in the biker community and knowing how to work on your bike.

If you believe in this saying, you need a Ride Hard Or Stay Home Biker Patch to add to your jacket.  It lets everyone know your feelings on casual bikers.  It's also done in black and orange, so it's perfect for Harley Davidson riders since those are the company's colors.  Of course, you don't have to be a Harley rider to enjoy this patch, but it does fit nicely next to other Harley patches.

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