They say you learn something new every day - that's true. Today I was perusing the Saying Patches at The Cheap Place when I ran across the 420 Club Member patch. Being the a curious person I am, I went online and searched to find out what the heck this patch was talking about. It turns out that the term "4:20" is a generic term among pot users designating their chosen hobby. It originated at a high school in Southern California where students nicknamed the "Waldos" used it as a secret code word to organize pot parties.
All that said, wearing the 4:20 Club Member patch is a way to designate your participation in the activity. Neophytes like me will never know what it means, and you'll laugh at us under your breath as we walk away scratching our heads. That's okay, it's fun to keep secrets. When I was a kid my friends and I had secret club in the neighborhood complete with a designated hideout, secret code word, and secret handshake. It was lots of fun to tweak the kids who weren't members.
Now, I'll take no position one way or the other on the individual choice to smoke pot. But if you're a consumer of cannabis and want fellow consumers to know who you are, this patch is the way to go. Just do yourself a favor and keep the secret. The more outsiders are kept in the dark, the happier and safer you'll be.