Show em Who's Boss with this Patch

Boss PatchDifferent motorcycle clubs use different ranks for their officers.  Some use the traditional president, vice-president, etc., while others use terms that seem a bit less official but still show who's in charge.  If your club is more relaxed, you might simply call the guy in charge the boss.  If that's the title, he definitely needs a cool Boss Patch so everyone knows he's the big guy in charge of it all.  You'll find the Boss Patch in the Club Patches category.

Being the boss isn't always easy.  If you've been thrust into this role of responsibility, you know how hard it can be sometimes.  You're the one who has to make the big decisions.  As boss of a biker club, you might at first think that there aren't really any 'big' decisions it's just a motorcycle club, after all, and not a country.  But when people are involved and feelings can be hurt, all decisions become big decisions.  You will also discover that when things need to get done, more often than not, you're the one who ends up doing them.  Being the boss means picking up the slack and making sure everything that needs to be done is done.

But there are some going points to being the boss, too.  You get the credit for a job well done (although, again, you also take the blame if it ends up going badly), you get to take your club in the direction you feel is best for it, and you get a cool boss patch!

If your club elects a new boss every few years, you might want to purchase wholesale patches instead of buying a single boss patch each time.  If you stock up, you can save some money and always have a patch on-hand.

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