Show Them the Finger with this Large Back Patch

Reflective skeleton middle finger patchEver passed someone who was all over the road or driving like an idiot and really, really wanted to flip them the middle finger?  When you're in the car, it's somewhat easy to take a hand off the wheel (or even two) since you can keep the car steady with your knee or even your elbow.  But with a motorcycle, you really do need to keep both hands on the handlebars.  This is especially true when you're trying to whip around them and get away from their insane driving.  Well, this Reflective Large Middle Finger Patch will do the flipping off for you.  Just iron or sew it onto your clothing and anyone behind you will know what you think of their driving, and as an added bonus, it shows up at night, too!

This Large Back Patch is exactly like it's described: it's a big skeletal hand with the middle finger extended.  There are very few people who don't know this hand gesture for 'go fuck yourself'.  That fact that it's reflective is very cool.  If you're riding at night, the headlights of the vehicle behind you will light up this patch, making you easy to see and allowing them to very clearly see what this patch is all about!

Since it's a large patch, it's going to take up a good amount of room on your jacket.  It measures 7.5 inches across and 11 inches tall, although only the middle finger extends that high.  You can probably fit a small patch on either side of that finger if you want.  The patch is mainly embroidered in reflective white and black, and it has die cut black borders around it to help you sew it on.

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