Some Bikers Just Don't Care

DILLIGAF skull patchHave you ever been around someone who just doesn't appear to care about anything?  These guys (and girls, too) make it clear that they have their own problems and don't have time to deal with yours.  Sometimes, this is done purely out of spite.  But some people have had so many problems dumped on them that they just don't care anymore.  They are not negative about it - they've just been overwhelmed and they know if they show any interest at all, they will get even more dumped on them.

One of the ways people, and bikers in particular, like to tell others that they don't care is to wear a DILLIGAF patch.  DILLIGAF stands for ?Does It Look Like I Give A Fuck,? which is a pretty strong way to tell someone go to away.  It works, though, especially if you don't ever want to talk to that person again!  There are a number of different DILLIGAF patches available to bikers.  Some, like this small iron on DILLIGAF skull patch, have different images on them.  Others just feature the letters.

It is important to remember that not everyone says this phrase in an angry way.  Sometimes, people are tired or overwhelmed and do not really have the time, patience, or energy to deal with others.  Just accept that and move on because there will probably be a time where you don't give a fuck about what someone else is saying.  When that time comes, be sure to have one of these patches on hand so you can let people know how you really feel.

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