Just for the record, I support gun control - you can't hit your target you can't control your weapon! The Gun Control Use Both Hands patch is a great little piece from The Cheap Place that says as much. If you haven't seen it, you can find it in the 2nd Amendment Patches section. This 4-inch, black and white patch fits nicely on a breast pocket or ball cap and lets the world know how you feel about your guns.
When I first saw it, I got a good laugh. Not only is the statement funny, but it's also laughable to believe that gun control legislation will actually reduce crime. Every place it's been tried in America it's failed miserably. Anecdotal evidence even suggests the possibility that some violent crimes have increased with stricter controls.
In my humble opinion, the best sort of gun control is swift and severe punishment of those who use guns illegally. Those of us who are law abiding citizens need not be punished along with the dregs of society as a means of achieving the "greater good" of reduced violent crime. We don't commit those crimes anyway.
So I will continue to control my guns by learning how to shoot and carry safely. Should someone decide to threaten my personal safety, he will get to experience just how much gun control I possess. I only hope he sees the patch on my breast pocket before he does something foolish.