The Cheap Place has a great selection of military patches ranging from the four branches of the military to special patches designating service in a particular engagement. Among my favorites is a set of four patches dedicated to veterans. Of those four I especially love the Veteran Us Army patch, which is the subject of today's post.
I've always had a preference for the Army seeing as how my father and one of my brothers are both Army vets. I volunteered to join the army when I graduated from high school but I was turned away due to a physical condition. Nonetheless, I have a great deal of respect for our military men and women and would be proud to wear this patch if I were an Army veteran.
What I like most about it is the level of detail and the different colors. This seems like a complicated patch to embroider but with today's modern equipment it probably wasn't that difficult. It's only a 3" circle, but it's done so well you can even see the stars on the flag and the year 1775 at the bottom. I'm thinking this patch is a perfect fit for a baseball cap or perhaps your standard issue green field jacket.
If you're not a veteran, let me close by asking you not to wear any of these vet patches. Purchase them as part of a collection, or as gifts, but don't dishonor those who have served by wearing them. Thanks.