The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (usually called the ATF) is a part of the U.S. Department of Justice. The department oversees anything involving illegal use of firearms or explosives, the illegal trafficking of tobacco and alcohol, and cases of arson and bombings. They regulate the sale of firearms and explosives. Their main goal is to keep people safe and to make certain that those with criminal pasts do not have access to weapons.
Like any group, of course, the ATF has gone off the deep end before. During the 1980s, they were investigated by several Congressional committees regarding their tactics. It came to light that the ATF was going after innocent people who owned weapons but had no intent of using them in any illegal way. The department was given new regulations and instructions that made it clear exactly who could be prosecuted. While these reforms helped the department, they were again put under the spotlight in 1990 with the Ruby Ridge Siege and again in 1993 with the Waco Siege, both of which lead to deaths.
Most agree that some people don't need to have weapons, but the idea of the government regulating who can and who can't seems to violate the 2nd amendment. If you believe that, you might want to wear a 2nd Amendment patch to let everyone know it. One humorous patch is the ATF Should Be A Convenience Store Patch. It reads, 'ATF-Alcohol Tobacco Firearms Should be a Convenience Store Not a Government Agency'. Wouldn't that be nice?