In honor of Independence Day I've chosen the Law Of The Land Is The Constitution patch for today's post. You can find it in the 2nd Amendment Patches at The Cheap Place. I chose this one after thinking about our nation's birth and realizing how few people really know anything about it. Unfortunately, we've gotten into place in our country where kids graduate from high school and know nothing of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, or the history of how we became a nation. This patch is a clear example.
Our nation was born out of the principle of liberty, with the government established by the binding architecture of the Constitution. That document, which should be revered by all Americans, is the foundation on which our Republic stands. When the government goes beyond the Constitution we no longer have a Republic, we have tyranny. Indeed, the Constitution is supposed to be the law of the land with the IRS subject to it.
By the way, it is your Constitutional right to free speech that allows you to sew this patch to your leather jacket. So if you love America, buy this patch. Buy as many patriotic patches as you can find and plaster them all over your jacket and vest. I also encourage you to study the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and be aware not only of where came from, but also where we're headed to.
God bless America.