The Mystical Yin Yang Emblem

Yin Yang PatchThe yin yang symbol of a circle split into a white and a black half is the visual representation of the Chinese philosophical idea of the yin-yang.  This symbol shows how two forces that are opposites are actually connected and interdependent.  That's why the white side has a small black circle in it and the black side has a small white circle both have aspects of the other.  This symbol has been used to describe things like male and female, life and death, hot and cold, and the sun and the moon.  Any pairing where the two can be seen as opposite yet connected can be represented by the yin yang.

While many think of them as opposing forces, the yin and yang are also complementary.  They work together to become something greater than the sum of their parts.  Some philosophers choose to believe that everything in nature has some of the yin and some of the yang in it.  Things can't exist without both.  Light, for example, would be impossible to comprehend without shadows.  It's this concept that drives many of the classical branches of Chinese philosophy, medicine, and even schools of thought in areas such as politics and science.

If you believe that everything in the world has a light and a dark side or is interconnected in some way, you could add an iron on Yin Yang Patch to your biker jacket or other piece of biker gear.  This patch will convey your philosophical thoughts on the universe without you ever saying a single word.

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