The Second Amendment Shall Not Be Infringed

2nd Amendment Skull 1789 PatchThe Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States spells out the right of the people to own weapons for their own protection.  Specifically, it says that, 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed'.  This means that the government cannot in any way declare that people cannot keep guns or other defensive items in their homes.

Despite this very plainly spelled out law, there are some people out there who are determined to get rid of all guns because they believe it would bring about an end of gun-related violence.  To combat this, a number of people from all walks of life, including bikers, have started to wear patches, shirts, and pins that declare their support for guns.  Some of these people are hunters, while others are marksmen who enjoy going to the shooting range.  They do not use their guns to threaten people or do anything illegal.

Another group of pro-gun supporters is those who aren't certain they could defend themselves if they were attacked.  They want to have a gun on hand just in case someone tries to assault them.  For example, a young woman living alone in an area with a higher than average crime rate may not feel safe without a gun.  These people usually take a gun safety course and only pull out the weapon if they are in true danger.

If you support the right to bear arms, let everyone know it by wearing a patch.  One great option is the large 2nd Amendment Skull 1789 Patch, a good-sized patch that fits on the back of a jacket or vest.


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