There's a infidel in the wood pile!

Infidel PatchInfidel (literally "one without faith") is a term used in certain religions, especially Christianity or Islam, for one who has no religious beliefs, or who doubts or rejects the central idea of the particular religion.

According to this definition, an infidel in one society may be a True Believer in a neighboring society.

Atheists who deliberately adopt the label "infidel" reject the negative implications of the definition of term. These self-described infidels argue that the label should be treated as a positive one.

To sum it up, it's basically someone who does not believe what you believe, when you are a religious fundamentalist. "Death to the infidels!"

Get yourself this hot little infidel patch today at TheCheapPLace. Looking for other funny patches? We got plenty to choose from.

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