If you're looking for some biker patches that express how much you just do not care about something, you'll want to check out the DILLIGAF patches. This acronym, which stands for 'Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck', says it all. The Large DILLIGAF Bear Patch features a very angry looking biker bear above the acronym. He's just daring someone to ask him what he thinks of something so he can tell them off.
If you're a biker bear (a large guy, basically), this may be the perfect patch for you. This bear looks like a tough rider who won't take any crap from anyone. I like all the details they've given him. The bright red bandana and goggles, the grey fingerless gloves, and even that skull tattoo on his arm all scream badass biker who will take you down without breaking a sweat. If you start talking to this dude about something he doesn't care about, he's going to let you know in the rudest, most direct way possible. He just doesn't give a fuck.
This is one of the larger sized patches offered on The Cheap Place. The bear measures nine inches wide by ten inches high and is perfect for the back of a jacket or vest. The patch was designed by artist Arturo Vilmenay, who has created a number of amazing patches. If you're looking for a patch to show your disinterest in something, this is certainly a great one to go with. The artwork is outstanding, the colors are eye-catching, and the message comes across loud and clear!