This Ladies Patch is Right On

This Ladies Patch is Right OnThere's a long list of American idioms that accurately describe the dynamics of male-female relationships. The I Was Born Free Now I'm Expensive patch, found in the Ladies Patches section at The Cheap Place, speaks to one of those dynamics. We laugh about how expensive it is to have a girlfriend, lover, or wife, but only because it's true to a certain extent. Being in a relationship costs a lot; and some of it is financial.

I can see lady bikers wearing this patch just as a lighthearted dig at their men. If my wife wore one I certainly wouldn't be offended, I'd probably get a chuckle out of it. For me, while it's true she can be expensive at times, she's very much worth it.

We all know that relationships are usually not made or broken based on the amount of money a man spends, but we also know that ladies enjoy expensive gifts. Not for the gifts themselves, but for the fact that their men are willing to spend their hard-earned money on them.

So ladies, if this patch accurately describes part of the male-female dynamic for you, by all means get one and display it proudly. Next time you go to Sturgis or Daytona, you're sure to get some chuckles out of all the guys. You might even stimulate some interesting comments and conversations. And if your man has any sense of humor, he'll chuckle right along with everyone else.

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